This workshop was totally 2 days and 6 hours. It was a great way to understand how printmaking works. So I will explain my process step by step.
First we put our image and two transparent papers on top of a material called Linoleum. Then we drew our image on it. After we take out the papers we can see the white lines on the Linoleum which will help us to carve in the areas that we want. The carving process is the most important part. You should decide which parts you want to make light and dark. Also It will be more interesting and fun to create some different patterns while carving the image. For example every shape can have different line qualities like short, long, different directions and closeness of the lines.
After finishing the carving step as you see the image above I tried to show the steps. First I inked my Linoleum with a roller and used the a Printmaker press to print my image on a paper. As you see in the middle below image is the result ofmy print. Later I printed again and it become a lighter print. I used that lighter print and colored it with watercolor.
Here (above image) I wanted to show you that I learned something. I realized that carving part is crucial because if you don't be careful or do not understand it, the result can be bad. For example, in the first picture (above) you can see that the image is so ambiguous. I learned that if I want the shapes to be more clear and light, the carved lines should be close to each other and you should define the edges of the shapes clearly. So after I had the first ambiguous result I carved the Linoleum more in the way that I should have done. I never tried Printmaking before so it is totally normal to have this result. Anyway the last two images are my last prints. In the last one I did watercolor on the printed image. Hope you will like it! I really enjoyed this and hopefully in the future I can have more chances to try this again!